Monday, August 30, 2010

LJ to Army Museum

Hi 4A,

We had a Learning Journey to the Army Museum last Friday, 27th August.

It was indeed an enriching and fruitful afternoon. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and learned something new about the army, too.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Grammar - First Conditional

Hi boys and girls,

We've learned about 1st conditional.

The structure is as follows:

If + simple present tense, + simple future tense.

Here are a few activities for you to try out:

Practice 1
Practice 2
Practice 3

So, how did you fare?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to maximise your learning experience at YOG 2010?

1. Before the game
Read up and familiarise yourself with the rules of the games that you will be watching. Find out more about the origins/ background to the game.

2. During the game

• Take photos of the athletes in action.
• Look out for examples of Sportsmanship [ conduct during the match and how this can be applied in your daily behaviour].
• Look out for interesting and exciting moments during the match.

3. After the game
Do a short write-up about the game/match you watch. Include pictures too.

4. Reflection Topics
• What values have you learnt by watching the athletes in competition? E.g. Athletes shaking hands after the match/game?

• How were you inspired to take up a sport as part of a healthy lifestyle, after watching any one of the games?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Prefect's Investiture ( 2010 ) by Rachel

On the day of the prefect's investiture, I was feeling nervous and excited. Though I had experienced this before, I was still feeling nervous.

From my first experience of taking care of classes, I encountered many problems such as: the students are stubborn and do not want to listen to me.

To me as a prefect, we must bear responsibilities, take care of our fellow schoolmates. We must also respect the school rules and school core values.

Being a prefect is not easy at all. We have prefect duties that will shorten our recess time. If our school is celebrating any occasion, we may also need to do ushering ( e.g.Giving out survey forms ).

I feel great being a prefect but sacrifices sometimes need to be made!=)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Subject-Verb Agreement

Dear 4A,

Try out this activity on subject-verb agreement.

How did you fare?

Monday, August 9, 2010


Dear 4A,

This Wednesday, 11th August, school hours are from 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

There will be no lessons on that day as it will be YOG Day. There will be various games throughout the day.

At about 4.30 p.m, we will be moving out to support the YOG torch bearers at the perimeter of the school. For this occasion, please bring a cap and water bottle when moving to the side of the road.

See you then.

Monday, August 2, 2010

EL Remedial - 2 Aug

Hi, for today's remedial, please visit the following website:

Reading Comprehension - Level 2