Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our classmates' blogs

For the past 3 weeks, 4A pupils have learned how to blog. They created their own blogs, customised their blog headers, and uploaded some images, and self-made videos and PowerPoint presentations.

Here are a few of them:

  1. Denver

  2. Shirene

  3. Rachel

  4. Jing Ying

  5. Natalie

  6. Yu Heng

  7. Zandra

  8. Darwin

  9. Yun Jing

  10. Felicia P.

  11. Felicia L.

  12. Dean

  13. Kai Xuan

  14. Joycelyn

  15. Aleeza

  16. Nadiah

  17. Yu Yun

  18. Izmir

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Information Report

For our first unit together, 4A pupils learned about the text type, Information Report. They went home and did some research on their chosen rainforest animal.

The following day, they gathered into their respective groups for discussion. They sieved out relevant details to include in their report.

Each member helped to do the write-up.

Finally, the presentation…

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fitness Friday

This morning, dark clouds seemed to forecast an impending downpour. Soon enough, it rained heavily.

But the pupils did not miss out on their Fitness Friday!

They exercised in the classroom ... to the video of "Witch Doctor".

See them in action:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Animal names as verbs

We can use the names of some animals as verbs to talk about a person's behaviour. Such verbs remind us of the habits and features of a particular animal.

For example: to crow means to boast.

Can you think of other animals whose names can also be used as verbs?

Here is a short quiz for you to try out: Animals as verbs

Monday, January 18, 2010

Buddy Leaders

I would also like to commend the following pupils for taking the effort to find out more about their buddies:

  1. Nadia and Ifa
  2. Rashidee
  3. Izmir
  4. Ximenez and Yang Zhi
  5. Jerome and Darwin
  6. Zandra
  7. Peng Jing Ying
  8. Peng Jing Qing

After careful deliberation, the Best Buddy Leaders' Award goes to ... Nadia and Ifa!


Dragon's Teeth Gate

Dragon's Teeth Gate, also known as Long Ya Men, served as a navigational guide to help sailors and traders.

It was located near the present site of Labrador Park, in the south of Singapore.

Here is a replica of the Dragon's Teeth Gate which was put up in 2005.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Collective Nouns

"Collective nouns" is the name used for a group of things.

Here is an activity for you to try out.


Hi pupils,

As mentioned in class today, please read Pg 6 of your English textbook.
I will dictate part of the text to you on Monday, 18th January.

Some tips:
1) Do not memorise the text.
2) Learn how to spell words that you find difficult or words that are new to you.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Direct and indirect Objects

Hi P4A,

Try your hands at these quizzes:

Direct Objects

Indirect Objects

How did you fare?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hi children,

Today, we have learned some interesting facts on sloths.

Click here for more information.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Class Decoration

A big 'thank you' to all the parents and pupils who helped transform our classroom into a cool Antarctica.

Here are some pictures:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Welcome back to school!

Hope you had a good holiday and feeling recharged and eager for the new year ahead.

A warm welcome to our 4 new pupils: Ximenez, Caleb, Jackson and Denver.